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Power Loss due to Soil Losses in Solar PV Module

 Soiling Losses and Its effect on Solar and PV Modules:

Before, We move ahead with the topic, It is important to know that what are soiling losses.

The term Soiling is used to describe the accumulation of dirt, leaves, dust and bird dropping on Solar and PV Panels. The efficiency of the PV solar panels is largely dependent on the ambient conditions and several factors come into the picture to determine the actual efficiency of panels during their operation. One such factor is soiling. 

However, in a practical sense, the definition of soiling could be much wider than that. For instance, many researchers concluded from their research that bird droppings can significantly bring down panel efficiency and hence, they are also considered while calculating the soiling losses. 

How Soiling affects panel and Its Performance:

  1.  Degradation of Panel Output:
    • Dust and Soil will cover the PV cells once it is accumulated. It will bring down voltage and current output of the panel.
  2. Economic Consequences :
    • Soil and dust if neglected for long duration, soiling can bring down the overall generation of Solar Plant. The reduced power output of the panel will lead to reduced power generation from the plant.

The Rate of Soiling and Factors affecting to it:

  1. Humidity, Fog and Dew:
    • Due to the dew, fog and humidity, the dust particles stick to the panels which leads to increase the soiling. Sometimes the dry dust accumulated on panels is carried away by wind. Presence of moisture or dew restricts it and increase soiling.
  2. Geographical Condition and Wind Velocity:
    • For instance, in deserts, soiling will be much faster than that in the cities.
    • Wind is the prime factor which unsettles the dust and soil particles. Windier climate will lead to faster soiling of the panels.
  3. Angle and Direction of Solar Panel:
    • Low Tilt angles cause more soiling losses. i.e 5 to 10 degree. Panel tilt angle and direction of installation have considerable effect on dust accumulation.

How It can be avoided?

It is near to impossible to avoid soiling of the panel. The simple solution to avoid or prevent soiling losses is regular solar panel cleaner. 
One can have some idea about reduction in generation due to soiling losses by monitoring daily power generation with respect to irradiance, irradiance can be measured by irradiation meter. Sometime irradiation sensors also suffers due to the amount of dust.

It is difficult to measure soiling losses with irradiance meter as well. The decrease in measured irradiance balances out the power generated, It will result in no change of PR value, which leads to hide the losses.

Let's prevent soiling losses by regular cleaning of solar panel and increase the efficiency of solar PV module and get maximum benefit of renewable energy source.



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