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Selection of Solar Panel

How To : Selection of Solar Panel This article will help how you select your new Solar Panel He!! You decided to install solar panels at your place and produce your own clean and green electricity but not confident on how to choose solar panels? Don't worry, this article will guide to make attractive purchase. It most important to remember that it is long term Investment, hence you must consider all the aspects, otherwise you will not get real benefits form the investment. Before moving into the parameters, Let's look at how Solar Energy System works. There are two main elements to a grid connected Solar Energy System: First one is Solar Panels and the Inverter. Solar Panel converts sunlight to DC current and Inverter converts Electricity DC to AC which you can use for home appliances and extra Electricity credited to grid. There are 7 basic parameters to be checked while selection as mentioned in below picture: Let's us drill it down in more depth: How to select your solar
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